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The Epic Self ADHD brain is different, but that doesn’t mean it has to be a hindrance to success. The ADHD planner is designed to facilitate success for people with ADHD and ADD by providing them with a space for organization, goal-setting, beneficial exercises, and positive reflections. This isn’t a procrastination planner full of exercises that would naturally overload the ADHD brain. Instead, it delivers outlines and simple templates for people to thrive in. Within this planner, you’ll find goal-setting sections for various frames of time, including on a daily, weekly, and longer-term basis. With this book, you can set out your ambitions and give yourself enough time to complete them realistically, along with tackling the day-to-day with confidence. Alongside this there are daily planners and reminders you can set yourself, so you can feel sure of what you need to do each and every day without becoming too distracted or overwhelmed. Besides organizers and goal setting, this planner also has spaces for you to record and plan your own rituals and routines to aid you in taking on daily challenges. Importantly there are also weekly brain-dump pages, giving you the space to purge your brain of any and all thoughts so they can’t get the better of you. Take on the world with confidence, ADHD and all, with the Epic Self ADHD Planner.