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Jolie Luxe Nursing + Handsfree Pumping Bra


Customer Satisfaction Guarantee
Estimated Delivery: February 07 - 15
Shipped from the USA by The Dairy Fairy
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Jolie is so puuurdy.

This luxe, limited edition all-in-one is for our fancy mamas.

Fabulous support and all-in-one handsfree pumping & nursing features might be overshadowed by her stunning fabrication and feminine design.

What does it include?

  • Stretch velvet that is buttery soft coupled with two tone lace.
  • Double-handsfree-pumping abilities through the bra’s hidden flange openings and nursing clips (easy access, baby).
  • Compatible with all major breast pump makes and models on the market.
  • Four inches of hook-and-eye closure, which caters to a wide variety of sizes, including the changes your body goes through from maternity through postpartum (32A-40G, in addition to Petite Plus: a narrow band with larger cups).

Our mamas say:  "Seriously the sexiest, most comfy bra I’ve owned - bar none. I can’t recommend it enough to all my friends!" - Meghan A.